1. just think a flat left wrist and and hands in front of the ball at impact
    and that will do it

  2. Hank is describing one of many schools of thought on how to hit irons
    solidly. I personally like to get my swing plane kind of shallow and then
    release fully through the ball but again, there’s a million ways to do it.
    It’s true that you can play a punch all the time (like he’s doing in the
    video) and get pretty good but you also have to learn to hit the ball high.

  3. You dont need this information if you swing correctly, leading with your
    hips with relaxed arms/wrists will result in a downward blow every time.
    You shouldnt be forcing your hands to do anything, they will do it

  4. Very informative…I shared your video on my mylight films website. It’s a
    site that allows athletes of all sports to share their videos and their
    knowledge of sports with other athletes and avid sports followers. Hope you
    don’t mind…

  5. Ugh…this isn’t compression. Compression comes from low spin loft, not
    from a descending angle of attack.

  6. Why am I watching this? I don’t need more stuff filling my head when I have
    an important match in an hour.

  7. why did I sing the title “Hit it solid every time” Like Britney Spears’
    “Hit me baby one more time”?

  8. Haney mechanized Tigers natural ability which led to injuries. He should
    not call himself a coach.

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