Greatest Game of HORSE Ever | Brodie Smith

Everyone has played HORSE before, but not like this. ▻ VISIT my NEW STORE: ▻ WATCH new HORSE GAME 2: ——–…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Tiger woods’ best shots in his career! Greatest golfer in the universe. Enjoy No copyright intended uploaded to provideo entertainment around the world.
Video Rating: 4 / 5


  1. He is so happy in these videos. Tiger really needs to bring the enjoyment
    back into his game, not just when he wins because that won’t happen when he
    throws clubs and says “DAMMIT TIGER” on tv in the masters…

  2. Tiger and I share the same expectations. i go to work everyday, expect to
    go home at 5 pm and not hurt my back in the process because those task
    chairs can be challenging if you sit all day long watching Youtube about
    half that time..

  3. stop the video at 5:00 exact you can tell that brodie didn’t make the shot
    the first time because the guy in the back has another frisbee

  4. Wow there is a lot of hate between a couple guys. I absolutely love these
    videos. Much fun to watch those seemingly impossible shots even it does
    take more than a few shots to make them. Great job Brodie!!

  5. I showed this video to my whole school and you can all hear them gaspt even
    the teacher and our coach!!!

  6. You guys shall both become my new best friends. But that frisbee guy tho!

  7. Probably took him a few weeks and a few hours each day to do….wouldn’t
    call it a game of horse more than I’d call is countless hours spent making
    a few dozen shots.

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