A fox steals a man’s golf ball and has the time of his life!

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  1. Hey guys, I just started a blog to chronicle my journey to become a scratch golfer. If you could please take a second and just give it a look, I’d appreciate it and hey you might even enjoy it and come back! Thanks, site is bluecrew27 . wordpress . com

  2. LOL funny to hear a bunch of guys saying stuff like that is so cute! gorgeous! aaww….

  3. BEING IT HERE??? If you know like I know little fox, you better stay away from those animals that walk up-right, they are the worse kind; beautiful fox though.

  4. Take a video next time! You never know, it could go viral! And we are always happy to help. 🙂

  5. look up operation northwoods and project for a new american century

  6. Snake, get your mascot off from our golf ground. Snake? Snake! SNAAAAAAKEEE!!!!

  7. I have never seen a wild fox allow a human to come that close before. It is obviously a young fox, but definitely old enough to be away from mum.

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