Disc Golf Tips : Choosing a Putter Disc

Disc golf can be a fun and exciting game as well as great exercise. Learn some tips on how to choose a putter disc in this free video. Expert: John Stone Bio…


  1. “the most optimal chance for a par, even for your bogeys”? Other than that, this particular video was just blah blah blah. I suggest a little scripting.

  2. I would have liked to have you compare the different putters with each other. Like the avaiar vs. the birdie and so forth.

  3. The aviar mmm… never used one i use a magnet or wizard but this guy made a 3 minute video talking about ariars maybe they do have some potential…

  4. like missiles stfu he wizard is way better than the aviar i got both and want to set my aviar on fire

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