Golf Fitness for Better Contact

This week PGA Golf Professionals Ryan Crysler and Claude Harmon III join TPI cofounder Dr. Greg Rose in TPItv studio. The trio has exercises and swing drills…


  1. Check out UltimateSwingTrainer on youtube. Let me show you what my product is. The world of golf needs my product, program and training guide and DVD, not another useless training aid or more misguided advice! My product recruits 20% more fast twitch muscles fibers than any thing used in training golf. I will Challenge anyone at the Golf Channel or the World for, that they will pick up 20 yards in six months with my system+be 20% straighter! email me @ theultimateswingtrainer@gmail.­com

  2. nice video but the problem I have is.
    1. when I watch golf on the TV all I see is the ball in the sky.
    2. when I practice I don’t have all the equipment you use and I don’t have other people with me. So can you make sure that we can do the exercise with simple things.

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