“Golf Fitness” Secrets to Longer Drives!

Golf Fitness Tips to help you hit longer straighter drives!!! http://www.functionalpatterns.com/ – http://www.youtube.com/functionalpatterns http://www.faceb…


  1. Flexinility and dynamic excerisies i do isolated mvmets in the gym an imterested and knowing more dynamic movements

  2. Gabe, i need to improve my core strength, as i do believe it will improve stability and accuracy in swing. so, can you make a video on how to train core even when got time restrictions, assuming we have 30-60 minutes or even less to spend to exercise one day. thanks

  3. Thanks for making this video.. I have the same problems you had. With the hips and the feet pointing out like a duck.. I can’t squat properly cuz of lack of flexibility in my hips, knee and ankle. could you make a video on how to train that? Thanks

  4. Tahnks Man! Your vids are awesome, but do some putting vids? There aren’t any good ones on youtube!

  5. Id like to know how to have more accuracy but still hit the ball hard off the tee and with irons =D

  6. Good video. As a college pitcher we would use bands to increase flexibility and posture in the same shoulder muscle groups. Frog crunches are a good way to help in the lower abdominal as well. I would like to see more medicine ball exercises related to golf.

  7. Thanks for the comment, Naudi is a connoisseur of Medicine ball slams and throws, we’ll make sure to include some in the upcoming videos:)

  8. Gabe, for some reason I think you’ll make it onto the PGA Tour. Possibly it’s the comfortable swagger that is hard to notice but is un-mistakable, possibly the rhythmic swing that allows sweet strikes and long hits or the fact that you can improvise and hit tons of different shots. However, I can’t help but feel that someday I’ll hear the words ” And Gabriel Writer earns his first Green Jacket here at Augusta”, you’re different Gabe, you’re different.

  9. Love the specific workouts for improving the body to play more golf as we get older. Great Video guys!

  10. Hopefully Gabe 🙂 Good Luck aswell, you’re a great golfer and a great guy, good luck when you get on tour:)

  11. Nice vid gabe. Would using golf balls work? Not everybody has a lacrosse ball but since this is your channel I guess everybody would have an unused golf ball lying around somewhere.

  12. Tennis ball, foam roller or medicine ball would be better, i think golf ball might be to small. GO pickem up at at a local sports store only a few dollars.

  13. This still surprise me, how many people don’t know about Golfonax Training Program (just google it), despite the fact that a lot of people improve their golf skills with this training program. Thanks to my buddy who told me about Golfonax Training Program, I have improve my golf skills.

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