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mark is from melbourne also and i generally liked smaller heads but i have the ghost spider and it feels great and well balanced.always lagging within 3
feet on most middle distance putts
Ghost Spider for me mostly because of the looks. I feel a lot more confident with longer putts using larger heads. Though I prefer using the blade putters for 5 feet and under
My Scotty is on ebay. Went from love to hate in a weekend of 3 putting last week. No fault of mine of course :-P. Great videos Mark!
Not a very helpful answer, Mark. You didnt say anything about MOI or an arcing stroke vs a SBST stroke.
I guess I owned the same oil radiator once 😉
whats a pudder?
I bought an Odyssey White Ice Mini T and my putting improved by 10 strokes per round easily. So I can second everything Mark is saying, it’s all about feel and confidence. A putter can also fix some mistakes you make. Like for me my backswing with the putter was way too fast, which reduces accuracy greatly. The increased size of the White Ice helped a lot in that.
thanks for answering my question mark!
He did, he said choosing a putter designed for a particular type of stroke doesn’t actually make much difference, which i found interesting.
Mark, how about that hybrid vs 5 wood vid? Comparing forgiveness, workability, distance, trajectory, etc. Would be very interesting….
love the videos Mark, keep ’em coming!
mark is from melbourne also and i generally liked smaller heads but i have the ghost spider and it feels great and well balanced.always lagging within 3
feet on most middle distance putts
Ghost Spider for me mostly because of the looks. I feel a lot more confident with longer putts using larger heads. Though I prefer using the blade putters for 5 feet and under
My Scotty is on ebay. Went from love to hate in a weekend of 3 putting last week. No fault of mine of course :-P. Great videos Mark!
Not a very helpful answer, Mark. You didnt say anything about MOI or an arcing stroke vs a SBST stroke.
I guess I owned the same oil radiator once 😉
whats a pudder?
I bought an Odyssey White Ice Mini T and my putting improved by 10 strokes per round easily. So I can second everything Mark is saying, it’s all about feel and confidence. A putter can also fix some mistakes you make. Like for me my backswing with the putter was way too fast, which reduces accuracy greatly. The increased size of the White Ice helped a lot in that.
thanks for answering my question mark!
He did, he said choosing a putter designed for a particular type of stroke doesn’t actually make much difference, which i found interesting.
Mark, how about that hybrid vs 5 wood vid? Comparing forgiveness, workability, distance, trajectory, etc. Would be very interesting….