Official Golf Rules : Out of Bounds Golf Rules

Official Golf Rules : Out of Bounds Golf Rules

In golf, out of bounds means an area where play is not permitted; learn the official Golf Association rules regarding out of bounds play in golf in this free…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Can I throw a disc that I acquired mid-round? Can I hold back a branch while I throw? These questions and plenty of other scenarios are discussed when The Di…


  1. When Shawn makes a bad throw, he yells Ick-ball! Most people don’t understand why, myself included. I do feel a tad honored though.

  2. Great Video!

    The tips and questions you guys answered are super helpful!

  3. Nice. But next time stand somewhere where there is less background noise

  4. But do you have to take a penalty stroke if you go back and play from the original position or is it a free “re-do”?

  5. thats all very well if you’re plaing on a proffesinal golf tour but what happens if you’ve got a four ball right up your ass and you cant go back?!?

  6. Great. thank you. I get it. Just wondering if its advisible to keep string to check for out of bounds balls if there is no official.

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