Ralph Maltby – Balanced Golf Balls

Golf Equipment Designer, Author, and Speaker Ralph Maltby goes over the two ways of balancing a golf ball. More expert advice at http://www.ralphmaltby.com.
Video Rating: 4 / 5


  1. Great informative knowledge.

    But in cases that we are playing in a official tournament, the rule is that we can’t switch balls for putting.

    As in this case, after the ball was striked several times from the T-Off until it reaches the green, there must be a possibility that the golf ball’s balance may be altered.

    So pro golfers changes a new ball after every 3 holes.

  2. I’ve never had it explained so well – Ralph, you’re a great communicator! I now balance and mark a putting line on all my golf balls before I use them (and you’re right, it’s a lot of fun)

  3. been doing this, BUT, since the mark is on top, lightest part, where would one place the heavy spot to get the putting right??
    Im thinking placing the heavy spot in middle front, maybe on top for up hill, and for breaking putts, move the heavy spot left or right middle depending on the break… help Ralph

  4. I put alot of salt in water and couldnt get it to float. How much salt you need ?

  5. a lot!
    keep pouring, you’ll get there. I didnt find this method effective with normal salt, it seems the mixture is too viscous so lots of friction. The epsom salts probably create a smaller amount of friction.

  6. It seems to me both the float test and the spin marker are needed for the best results. The float test weeds out the bad balls and the spin marker puts a precise line on the good balls.

    I would like to see a ball marked with in the float test and then marked in the spin marker. Only 1 line should result. If only the float test is used; can’t you start your line in any direction as one point doe’s not define a line? I don’t see how you would get the same line the spin method would produce.

  7. @TheBlueGumby If its one of the “mid grade” balls you can put your line in any direction. I have tried this experiment. Using both techniques you will get results close enough for government work. Unless you are tour player or regularly play tourneys that uphold the one ball rule swap out on the green for a high end ball like a Pro-V or a 330 and use that ball solely for putting. I know lots of guys and gals that do this.

  8. WOW! I have just read EXACTLY that from the Dave Pelz’s Putting Bible Book…Including the Balance-line machine…
    Thanks a lot Mr. Maltby…AWESOME video!
    So many people cannot be wrong about this subject…
    How do I get your kit if I choose not to use the Dave Pelz’s Epson Salt and Jet-Dry soap solution method?

  9. i am selling a high tech solution to test it!
    It is clear but has a yellow tint, and due to the secret chemical formula it has a smell reminiscent of urine.

  10. balanced golf balls commercial products are sold.
    This product is being sold in South Korea, the Realspin golf balls
    Real spin is the world’s first commercial production of the product

    Search for more information Realspin.

  11. 100% Salt water calibrated golf balls are now available for golfers in North America. No more salt water testing- buy the balls pre-balanced and weight aligned! Search reallinesports and visit our website to learn more.

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